The time has come! Tomeetis is finally starting to see the bright light of the day! I've been developing games in my cave for few years already. Time to let people know!
Who are you?
I'm a young game developer from Lithuania. Don't know what or where Lithuania is? Well, here's a quick link from Wikipedia (you're welcome): love playing games, more so I love developing them. As of writing this article, I am working on a game called Slingshot Bob. I promise there will be quite a decent amount of development posts about it.
What is going to be posted here?
This is where I will post all my coding adventures as well as DevBlogs for my games. It is planned to be central hub for updates of my work (until different options are more feasible).
Most of the posts are not going to be 1000 words essays, just a quick updates with some screenshots. I propagate quick reads.
However, it is impossible to make good tutorial with only few words and screenshots. Tutorial posts will definitely be more expanded, providing not only key points.
Other sources
Currently, I have set up Youtube Channel and Facebook Page for distributing information on different platforms. There's plans for creating Twitter Account, however, my last (long unused and recently deactivated) account is still taking up my email.
Ending notes
I'm happy if anyone reads this. Any comments and/or feedback is VERY appreciated. Wish you best of luck and see you in my next post!
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